The Latest Sound Bytes
SPECIAL NOTE: Usually on these updates, I like to throw in a mix of the old stuff and the new stuff. Just for this update, I'm sticking solely with clips and bits from Mischke's new show at WCCO. The program is excellent and this gives a good example of what you can currently expect. In future updates, I'll be back to throwing in a mix of the old and the new.
Don't Fit at 'CCO Dave calls in with a few
helpful pointers for the misguided, rookie talk show host. 12:48
the Detention Camps Mischke and a couple of the
callers are gettin' ready to take America back to its glory
days! 15:08
Girl This
is just a run of the mill, standard meandering call with ol'
Paulie, but at the end of it, we get to the juicy stuff...
Boy If you're an old school Mischke listener, you
probably have fond memories of Little Lukey that used to call in
to the program. I think Tommy has found his new "Luke" at
the new gig. Meet Scott -- AKA -- Wonder Boy. I
believe he's nine or ten years old and it's just a treat to
listen to his calls. He's become somewhat of a regular, at
least when it's not a school night or when his parents don't
catch him under the blankets -- on the phone. 4:48
Mischke An old school busybody listener calls in to
complain about the new talk show host. He's completely
drunk, way out of line, disrespectful and has no business being
on a fine station like WCCO. NO BUSINESS! 3:28
Understand What I'm Saying? I hope you understand me when
I tell you that I don't really understand what the hell is going
on in this call. Do you understand? 2:10
Returns from the Dead Right in the middle of the
Niles Files, we get an unexpected call from Mortuary Bob -- one
of the very first regular callers to the Mischke Broadcast from
17 years ago! 8:00
Isn't Funny A caller gets a real kick out of mental
illness, until Tommy fills him in on his life story. 7:06
Get You Out of There Mister -- Hang Tight! Some
people complain that Mischke's a little too far "out
there". This call might support their case, but in the
future, I hope to push him even a little further towards the
edge. 6:06
Rare Spotting of the Wild Cat Yet another treat for
the listeners from the KSTP days! Wildcat Fox, Mischke's
old news announcer, gives a call and they catch up on life. 9:38
a Bunch of Freakin' Sissies! This is just an
entertaining discussion between Tommy and Dan. Dan is an
oil man and an avid Tea Party supporter and he's not afraid to
speak his mind! Oh yeah, and please buy his book on before his mama beats the hell out of him. 26:52
Happened to Dark Star? Before Mischke got his gig
at 'CCO, a fellow by the name of Dark Star had his time
slot. Travis calls in to find out just what ever happened
to Dark Star. 5:56
Responsibility Dr. Williams argues that it's high
time people become more personally responsible. Tommy
wholeheartedly agrees and gives some great examples of how he's
personally taking more responsibility for his actions. 18:05
Foster An old listener gives a call and reminisces
about the old days. 3:39
Battery -- I Mean -- Batter Up! An Autobiography A listener calls in to pitch a book he's working on. I'd read it, but I'm afraid long before he'd ever get the thing published, he'll have already been arrested for shooting a congressman... 12:22
Entire Classic Mischke Broadcasts Follow the link to the left and you will find yourself at the Mischke Podcast. The Mischke Podcast is working in conjunction with mischkemadness to bring you entire classic Mischke Broadcasts from years gone by. Enjoy!!
Special Note: If anyone out there has some recordings of the show that Tom Mischke and Don Vogel used to put out together, I would love to grab a copy if at all possible I was a big fan of The Afternoon Saloon and never got the chance to hear Tommy and Don working together I think that must have been an incredible show Just click on this webmaster link to send me an e-mail.
Or, if you'd rather just talk to Mischke about some of the sound bytes above, or about weather in Buckman, Minnesota, or about how grass makes a different sound when you walk on it at varying temperatures, or just about anything else--you can click on the T.D. Mischke link to send him an e-mail.